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3D Autokeys Blog

Why are Replacement Car Keys so Expensive?

Posted 29/01/21 by Elspeth Myers

Pile of car key remotes Any motorist knows that replacement car keys are expensive. Still, many do not understand why modern keys cost so much money. Today, replacement car keys cost an average of £215…

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Protection Against Relay Attacks

Posted 03/08/18 by Marketing

How can you protect your vehicle against a relay attack? Well, let's first look at what a relay attack is and how criminals are able to perform it. Relay Attacks Criminals start by using long-distance…

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The Cars Most at Risk of Theft

Posted 13/07/18 by 3D Autokeys Team

It’s no secret that car theft is on the rise, particularly due to the increased popularity of keyless cars. The ease of hacking key fobs and extending the signal has allowed for more cars to…

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