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Why Are Pro­fes­sion­al Auto­mo­tive Lock­smiths Hard To Come By?

Posted 05/06/21 by Elspeth Myers

When you break or lose your house keys, it can cause many com­pli­ca­tions. It’s even worse when they’re stolen, and you sud­den­ly face the risk of strangers let­ting them­selves into your property.

What do you do in these sit­u­a­tions? First, you call a lock­smith to cre­ate replace­ment keys or change the lock. 

It’s the same sit­u­a­tion if any­thing hap­pens to your car keys. How­ev­er, while you can seem­ing­ly find stan­dard lock­smiths around every cor­ner, auto­mo­tive lock­smiths are rar­er. Many peo­ple don’t even know that such pro­fes­sion­als exist, let alone what they can do for you.

Luck­i­ly for any­one fac­ing key-relat­ed car trou­bles, we’re here to help. We at 3D Autokeys have the knowl­edge and skills to meet your auto­mo­tive lock­smith needs. So why are we such a rar­i­ty, though? These are the answers.

Open Key Remote

It’s An Incred­i­bly Skilled Job

Lock­smiths aren’t always con­sid­ered to have the most chal­leng­ing jobs, espe­cial­ly when movies and TV shows make pick­ing locks seem like a walk in the park. How­ev­er, this line of work pos­es many chal­lenges that are tough to com­plete effec­tive­ly with­out the right expertise.

For instance, cut­ting a key to fit per­fect­ly into a lock is dif­fi­cult. While keys might often look the same, the fin­er details sep­a­rate them and ensure they can’t all be used for every lock. Only a lock­smith under­stands what it takes to repli­cate those details when cut­ting a new key because that’s what they’re trained to do. In addi­tion, mod­ern vehi­cles use remote keys that link to the vehi­cle through a transpon­der, so if you need new keys, they’re hard­er to get cut than house keys. 

That’s because things get even more com­pli­cat­ed for auto­mo­tive lock­smiths who deal in more tech­ni­cal and pre­cise locks. This isn’t a trade you can walk into, even if you have expe­ri­ence cut­ting stan­dard keys. The skill required is on a whole oth­er lev­el, so com­pa­nies spe­cial­is­ing in this area aren’t as common.

Luck­i­ly, that does mean that when you encounter an auto­mo­tive lock­smith, you can trust that they’re excep­tion­al at what they do. All our experts here know their way around a vehi­cle lock and igni­tion coil, no mat­ter if the car’s an expe­ri­enced motor or one of the new­er, more at-risk mod­els. So if you turn to us for your vehi­cle key ser­vices, you’ll get some­one who under­stands the com­plex­i­ties of this work. From repro­gram­ming a key to get­ting a new one cut, we’re trained in ways that so few peo­ple are.

Our Range Of Ser­vices Aren’t Offered By Many

What do you think a pro­fes­sion­al auto­mo­tive lock­smith can do for you? Many peo­ple would prob­a­bly assume that our help is lim­it­ed to cut­ting keys and chang­ing locks, which isn’t the case. While these are two jobs we do reg­u­lar­ly, they’re hard­ly all we’re good for, as we offer a range of mobile auto lock­smith services.

We aim to pro­vide all man­ner of ser­vices revolv­ing around vehi­cle keys, secu­ri­ty, and auto electrics. That means that while we can replace any lost keys, we can sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the risk of your car being stolen. We’re also expert­ly trained at diag­nos­tic test­ing, so should there be any­thing wrong with your vehi­cle, we’ll be able to get to the bot­tom of things. Plus, we can fit dead­locks, track­ers, and immo­bilis­ers, so you can wor­ry less about leav­ing your car unat­tend­ed. That’s more impor­tant now than ever, giv­en the grow­ing trends in vehi­cle crime in the UK.

It’s rare for a com­pa­ny to offer as many ser­vices as these, which is why you don’t see the likes of us around as much as you might expect. You might be able to find some­one who can help you cut spare car keys, but whether they’ll also man­age to pro­vide igni­tion guards and secu­ri­ty locks is anoth­er mat­ter entire­ly. There’s also no assur­ance they’ll be able to do the job remote­ly, some­thing that’s essen­tial if your car keys are out of action. While these con­cerns might not be such an issue for those with­in 50 miles of Not­ting­ham – the area we cov­er –it can be prob­lem­at­ic for any­one fur­ther afield.

Key in a Key Machine

Deal­er­ships And Garages Pro­vide These Services

If you have an issue with your car keys, there are sev­er­al avenues you can explore. For one, you could turn to your local garage for help. You could also turn to road­side assis­tance should a prob­lem occur while you’re on the road. Then, there’s the deal­er­ship where you pur­chased the vehi­cle. They also pro­vide ser­vices that can meet your lock­smith needs.

With all these options avail­able, an auto­mo­tive lock­smith may not always be the first choice. After all, peo­ple are prob­a­bly more famil­iar with their local garage or deal­er­ship, so they’re more inclined to go there when they need help.

How­ev­er, this is nev­er a good idea because none of these routes can assist a pro­fes­sion­al auto­mo­tive lock­smith. For one, we’re a lot faster at resolv­ing a prob­lem because we have access to all the equip­ment and parts need­ed to iden­ti­fy and fix your issues. Deal­er­ships and garages can be rel­a­tive­ly slow on the uptake because they have to order stuff in, where­as we can usu­al­ly get every­thing sort­ed there and then.

What’s more, these alter­na­tives aren’t near­ly as afford­able as pro­fes­sion­al lock­smiths are because this isn’t what they spe­cialise in. Such ser­vices are viewed as a priv­i­lege, espe­cial­ly as expert equip­ment often has to be brought in to resolve the issue.

So, garages and deal­er­ships charge more for help with mod­ule cod­ing or lock replace­ment than we ever would. But, con­sid­er­ing how much dri­vers typ­i­cal­ly spend on their cars a year, pay­ing extra for ser­vices like this def­i­nite­ly isn’t worth it.

Giv­en that thou­sands of unli­censed lock­smiths are in the UK, you always want to be sure you hire a pro­fes­sion­al for your auto­mo­tive needs. That’s some­thing you nev­er have to wor­ry about with 3D Autokeys because our team is expert­ly trained in a wide vari­ety of ser­vices. We’re avail­able to call Mon­day to Fri­day, so con­tact us if you’re fac­ing car key trou­ble or want a quote.

Whether you dri­ve a car, motor­cy­cle, van, or truck, we can help you with your prob­lem and advise how you can use our auto lock­smith services. 

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