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12 Days of Christmas with 3D Autokeys Tips Background Image

Mer­ry Christ­mas from the 3D Autokeys team!

12 Days of Christ­mas with 3D Autokeys Tips

Posted 12/13/24 by Hayleigh Hemmings

Dur­ing the Christ­mas sea­son, we want to share 12 valu­able tips and hints from our expert tech­ni­cians. These tips include essen­tial pre­cau­tions to ensure the safe­ty of your vehi­cle and use­ful insights on how to recog­nise poten­tial issues with your key remote. This infor­ma­tion will equip you with the nec­es­sary knowl­edge and exper­tise to address unex­pect­ed chal­lenges effec­tive­ly, with the assis­tance of 3D Autokeys, of course.

  1. Don’t wait until it’s too late; save our num­ber now to be pre­pared for any car key emer­gency! Call us at 0115 952 2772. Don’t let a lost or bro­ken key spoil your fes­tiv­i­ties. 3D Autokeys will keep you moving.
  2. If your car key remote is work­ing incon­sis­tent­ly, it is often a sign of an under­ly­ing issue with your car remote battery. 
  3. Choos­ing suit­able secu­ri­ty mea­sures for your van can help keep it and it’s con­tents safe. From immo­bilis­ers to key­less pro­tec­tors to PIN entry sys­tems, there’s the per­fect sys­tem for you.
  4. One of the best ways to deter­mine that your cur­rent car remote has a deep­er issue is to test your spare car key.
  5. Adding safe­ty mea­sures to your keys and vehi­cle can pro­tect you from var­i­ous kinds of vehi­cle theft, includ­ing key­less car theft.
  6. To pre­vent key­less car theft, you can place your keys in a sig­nal-block­ing pouch like a Fara­day bag, turn off the wire­less sig­nals on your fob when not in use, keep your car keys (includ­ing spares) away from the car, doors, and win­dows when at home, and store them inside a met­al con­tain­er or sig­nal-block­ing wal­let for added protection.
  7. Always remem­ber to lock your vehi­cle door to pre­vent it from becom­ing seized. 
  8. Reg­u­lar­ly inspect your keys for twist­ing or bend­ing. If you see any issues, con­sult our tech­ni­cians to ensure they func­tion prop­er­ly and avoid lock dam­age. Tak­ing care of your keys can pre­vent future headaches! 
  9. When car­ry­ing shop­ping to your car, ensure you know where your keys are. Be care­ful when using your boot but­ton to avoid lock­ing the keys inside your boot.
  10. Min­imise the num­ber of keys on your vehi­cle key ring. Exces­sive weight can cause dam­age to the remote key and casing. 
  11. Keep track of your vehi­cle keys with a key track­er that can work with a find-it app avail­able to be used with Android and Apple devices.
  12. Make sure you know where your spare keys are, and test them every two weeks to ensure your spare key is work­ing cor­rect­ly. We trust that these hints and tips will help you to main­tain both your vehi­cle’s safe­ty and your car keys in opti­mal condition.
Tak­ing proac­tive steps to care for your car enhances your dri­ving expe­ri­ence and ensures peace of mind on the road. Remem­ber, reg­u­lar main­te­nance and atten­tion to detail can pre­vent larg­er issues down the line. By incor­po­rat­ing these best prac­tices into your rou­tine, you can enjoy a smoother and more secure jour­ney every time. Safe travels!

A lit­tle reminder of our Christ­mas open­ing times:

Christ­mas Eve: 2pm cut-off for cus­tomer phone calls and orders.
New Years’ Eve: 2pm cut-off for cus­tomer phone calls and orders.

We hope you expe­ri­enced a joy­ful and suc­cess­ful 2024!

As we take a moment to recharge dur­ing the Christ­mas break, we want to express our grat­i­tude for all your sup­port through­out the year. We are look­ing for­ward to 2025 and can’t wait for anoth­er great year.

On behalf of every­one at 3D Autokeys, we wish you a Mer­ry Christ­mas and a Hap­py New Year!

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