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Top Ten Cars most likely to get stolen in 2020 Background Image

Top Ten Cars most like­ly to get stolen in 2020

Posted 09/15/20 by Joe Mckay

When buy­ing a new car, it’s always worth con­sid­er­ing all aspects of your pur­chase. After all, you will be using this vehi­cle every day for the next cou­ple of years. One thing to con­sid­er is how like­ly your car or vehi­cle is to be tar­get­ed by thieves. In this short guide, we will out­line the top ten mod­els of cars that might need extra secu­ri­ty as they are often the tar­get of car theft. 

Num­ber One: The Range Rover Sport

Range Rover Sport
Range Rover Sport

Rac­ing for­ward to take the top spot from 8th place in 2018 is the Land Rover Sport. A high­ly cov­et­ed SUV that sees a few of its sib­lings in the top ten vehi­cles most like­ly to be tar­get­ed by thieves in the UK. So, how are thieves exploit­ing the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties on this vehicle? 

As has been the case since the intro­duc­tion of key­less entry sys­tems, it is this that has been the pri­ma­ry vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty for Land Rover’s vehi­cles. They have, how­ev­er, been con­stant­ly upgrad­ing the vehi­cle’s secu­ri­ty sys­tems, mak­ing thieves have to work par­tic­u­lar­ly hard in some cas­es, but as long as the car is desir­able, it will still be more prone to theft than oth­er mod­els. The draw­back of this extra secu­ri­ty is that. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Range Rover own­ers will like­ly have to pay more if they require a new key after they have mis­placed theirs.

Insur­ance com­pa­nies and Man­u­fac­tur­ers are rec­om­mend­ing a num­ber of mea­sures to deter thieves. First­ly, vis­i­ble deter­rents are best. In a throw­back to the 90s and 80s, man­u­fac­tur­ers are rec­om­mend­ing hav­ing steer­ing locks and crook locks when your vehi­cle is left unat­tend­ed, or for those of you that want some­thing more dis­crete, you could con­sid­er an immo­bilis­er sys­tem like Autowatch Ghost or even just a GPS track­ing installed. 

Num­ber Two: The BMW X5


Fol­low­ing the trend of Lux­u­ry SUVs, sec­ond place goes to the BMW X5. Again the pri­ma­ry vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty of these vehi­cles has been their key­less entry sys­tem. Since it was first intro­duced in 1980 on the Ford Thun­der­bird, key­less entry sys­tems have been a con­ve­nient way for vehi­cle own­ers to get on the move. How­ev­er, it has since proven to be reg­u­lar­ly exploit­ed by thieves using the relay attack method. A num­ber of these secu­ri­ty flaws were uncov­ered by the Chi­nese research team at Keen secu­ri­ty, which detect­ed 14 vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties, some of which were deemed seri­ous enough to war­rant offi­cial CVE classification. 

Remote access vulnerability
Remote access vulnerability

Remote access vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty in BMW X series, I Series, 3, 5 and 7 series via GSM network 

BMW has, how­ev­er, imple­ment­ed numer­ous patch­es to try and fix these flaws, but it’s still wise for XS series own­ers to take extra pre­cau­tions, which can be as sim­ple as buy­ing a Key­less pro­tec­tor or fara­day wal­let. It is, how­ev­er, rec­om­mend­ed to get an expert’s opin­ion.

Num­ber Three: Mer­cedes-Benz C‑Class

Mercedes-Benz C-Class
Mer­cedes-Benz C‑Class

The epony­mous Mer­cedes C‑Class comes in third place in our line­up of cars most like­ly to be stolen in 2020. As you can see, it’s a very attrac­tive mod­el and cov­et­ed by many motorists, which ulti­mate­ly makes it a lucra­tive oppor­tu­ni­ty for car thieves. Yet again, the recur­ring theme of exploit­ed Key­less entry sys­tems comes into play. We can­not empha­sise enough the vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties brought about by key­less entry sys­tems via relay attacks. We have even post­ed a short video on Youtube to explain how relay attacks are car­ried out. 

Num­ber Four: The Range Rover Vogue
Range Rover Vogue
Range Rover Vogue

Anoth­er unfor­tu­nate entry in the top ten for Range Rover, with Vogue in at num­ber four. Range Rover own­ers real­ly do have a need for extra vehi­cle secu­ri­ty, espe­cial­ly if they don’t have off-street or secure parking. 

Num­ber Five: The Land Rover Discovery

Land Rover Discovery
Land Rover Discovery

At num­ber five, it’s yet anoth­er vehi­cle from Land Rover, the Dis­co is also in the top ten, and by this point, if I owned one, I would be get­ting pret­ty anx­ious about my vehi­cle’s safe­ty. For the sake of brevi­ty, we’ll sum up the rest of the top ten. 

6. BMW X6

7. Range Rover Evoque

8. BMW 3 Series

9. Range Rover Autobiography

10. Mer­cedes-Benz E‑Class

Organ­ised Crime

For the most part, vehi­cle crime in the UK has declined. This does, how­ev­er, come with the caveat that Relay attacks and the inven­tion of key­less entry sys­tems have caused a spike in sophis­ti­cat­ed relay attacks car­ried out with a rel­a­tive­ly inex­pen­sive kit utilised by organ­ised crim­i­nals. These crim­i­nal gangs are often steal­ing vehi­cles to order for clients in East­ern Europe. They then attempt to smug­gle them out of the coun­try at major ports in the UK and The Repub­lic of Ireland. 

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