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How A Mobile Automotive Locksmith Can Help Your Secondhand Dealership Background Image

How A Mobile Auto­mo­tive Lock­smith Can Help Your Sec­ond­hand Dealership

Posted 05/13/21 by Elspeth Myers

Con­vinc­ing peo­ple to buy from a sec­ond­hand deal­er­ship can some­times be chal­leng­ing because there’s such a crav­ing for cars to be new and shiny. How­ev­er, these vehi­cles are gen­er­al­ly a more cost-effec­tive solu­tion for dri­vers, which is ide­al giv­en the num­ber of young dri­vers on the roads.

Approx­i­mate­ly a third of 17 – 20-year-olds and rough­ly 60% of 21 – 29-year-olds are license hold­ers, many of whom can’t afford to buy a new car, par­tic­u­lar­ly when it’s their first pur­chase. These same peo­ple tend to find new­er prod­ucts more appeal­ing, though, so how does a sec­ond­hand deal­er­ship win them over?

Team­ing up with a mobile auto lock­smith like 3D Autokeys could be the solu­tion, thanks to the range of ser­vices we have avail­able. The ben­e­fits these pro­vide should be more than enough to make any motor deal­er­ship more attrac­tive, increas­ing sales and dri­ving prof­its for your business.

What exact­ly are these ben­e­fi­cial ser­vices that auto lock­smiths offer, though? Well, here are four of the ways we’re able to help sec­ond­hand car deal­ers using our mobile car lock­smithing services. 

Boost­ing A Vehi­cle’s Defence Systems

Much of the con­cern sur­round­ing used vehi­cles is that they’re not as safe as ones fresh off the pro­duc­tion line. Where­as a new car might come with all the lat­est pro­tec­tions, an old­er mod­el is sup­pos­ed­ly only as secure as the tech of its time. Even if that was only a few years ago, there’s still the like­li­hood that wear and tear have worn the vehi­cle’s exist­ing tech­nol­o­gy down and that it is out of date.

How­ev­er, with lock­smiths like us around, that does­n’t have to be the case. Vehi­cle secu­ri­ty is one of our spe­cial­i­ties, so we’re able to improve a car’s defences to ensure it meets the stan­dards a mod­ern dri­ver expects. From pro­vid­ing ECU guards that pro­tect vans to installing track­ers suit­able for all makes and mod­els, there’s a lot we can do to boost any vehi­cle’s defences.

Nat­u­ral­ly, this is a ben­e­fit for sec­ond­hand deal­er­ships as it means all cars can be sold with a cer­tain lev­el of secu­ri­ty ensured. That’s bound to sway peo­ple to take more of an inter­est in what’s avail­able, and it also means that vehi­cles can be sold at a high­er price. It’s an excel­lent way to max­imise your profit.

Car Security System
Car Secu­ri­ty System

Recut­ting And Repro­gram­ming Keys

As auto­mo­tive lock­smiths, our skills lie pri­mar­i­ly in pro­vid­ing solu­tions to issues sur­round­ing vehi­cle locks and keys. Should a key be lost, dam­aged, or stolen, we have the exper­tise to fix the prob­lem, no mat­ter how dire it may seem. After all, remote keys for cars can lead to threats of the vehi­cle being stolen remote­ly, espe­cial­ly if the key is lost or stolen. As experts in pro­gram­ming new keys, we can offer replace­ment key pro­gram­ming to ensure that your vehi­cle is safe and that a miss­ing remote key does­n’t jeop­ar­dise its security. 

This key ser­vice can prove use­ful to a sec­ond­hand deal­er­ship in sev­er­al ways. For one, it means that if there are con­cerns about miss­ing keys for a car you’ve recent­ly acquired, we can remove these keys from the sys­tem and cre­ate replace­ment car keys. Our key pro­gram­ming ser­vice is ide­al for pre­vent­ing theft and ensur­ing that the vehi­cle’s new own­ers don’t have to wor­ry about oth­ers poten­tial­ly hav­ing access to their car.

Should a sell­er require mul­ti­ple keys to get their car to your deal­er­ship and only have one, it’s also no trou­ble for us to pro­duce spare car keys using our key pro­gram­ming solu­tions. How­ev­er many are need­ed, we can sup­ply spares so that the trans­ac­tion from the sell­er to you goes as smooth­ly as pos­si­ble, and the new own­er can eas­i­ly gain entry to the vehi­cle. That way, you can move the vehi­cle on to a buy­er quick­er, which is obvi­ous­ly bet­ter for your business.

Diag­nos­ing Issues

The old­er a car is, the greater the risk of it expe­ri­enc­ing faults. That’s not ide­al for a deal­er­ship that spe­cialis­es in sell­ing used vehi­cles which already have sev­er­al years of use behind them.

Should some­thing unex­pect­ed­ly go wrong with a vehi­cle in your col­lec­tion or one you’re look­ing to buy, a diag­nos­tic test can prove incred­i­bly help­ful. We might spe­cialise in keys, but our tech­ni­cians are expe­ri­enced enough to diag­nose any issue fac­ing the car. They can analyse exact­ly what’s wrong and pro­vide all the infor­ma­tion need­ed to fix the problem.

Some­times, this can be a minor issue, but oth­er times, it can sig­ni­fy a severe fault with the vehi­cle. Nat­u­ral­ly, a car in poor health won’t appeal sig­nif­i­cant­ly to buy­ers, so under­stand­ing what’s wrong and the sever­i­ty of the issue is of enor­mous ben­e­fit to any dealership.

Although an auto­mo­tive lock­smith like­ly won’t be able to fix the prob­lem, espe­cial­ly if it’s some­thing sig­nif­i­cant, they can deal with com­pli­ca­tions. For instance, we’re qual­i­fied to pro­gram and con­fig­ure mod­ules and add-on units for vehi­cles. So, if a car’s sus­pen­sion con­trol needs work, we have the diag­nos­tic pro­gram­ming tools to get the job done. That ought to improve the vehi­cle’s health and boost its chances of sell­ing, which will suit you nicely.

Car diagnostic testing
Car diag­nos­tic testing

Cov­er­ing Most Makes And Models

An excel­lent auto­mo­tive lock­smith should be able to apply their trade to most vehi­cle makes and mod­els out there. The more they can work with, the bet­ter it is for a sec­ond­hand deal­er­ship that might sell all man­ner of cars.

Whether it’s a MINI you need us to work on or some­thing more upscale like a Porsche or Lan­drover, we at 3D Autokeys can han­dle it. Our experts can guar­an­tee a solu­tion for almost every car you send our way. They’re not the only vehi­cles we can man­age, either. We also have the know-how to resolve lock­smith issues for motor­cy­cles, vans, and trucks. Although we don’t offer a mobile ser­vice for every vehi­cle – name­ly motor­cy­cles as they’re more spe­cial­ist – that does­n’t mean we can’t still fix what you need fixing.

A sec­ond­hand motor deal­er­ship wants to prof­it from every­thing they sell, which can some­times be chal­leng­ing when deal­ing with sec­ond­hand vehi­cles. With a trust­ed mobile auto­mo­tive lock­smith on call, though, all cars should leave the deal­er­ship with a high­er val­ue than when they came in. Our inter­ven­tion could make all the dif­fer­ence between whether a sale breaks even or brings in a lit­tle extra, so please con­tact us if you’re inter­est­ed in our ser­vices. We can give you the expert advice you need. You can also get a quote on our web­site if you’ve already got some work in mind and want to know what it will cost you.

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