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How Can You Protect Against a Relay Attack?

Pro­tec­tion Against Relay Attacks

Posted 08/03/18 by Marketing

How can you pro­tect your vehi­cle against a relay attack? Well, let’s first look at what a relay attack is and how crim­i­nals are able to per­form it.

Relay Attacks

Crim­i­nals start by using long-dis­tance anten­nas to inter­cept your key’s sig­nal. This allows them to boost the sig­nal and fool the car into think­ing you are stand­ing next to it. Once unlocked, the boost­ed sig­nal enables the vehi­cle to be opened, start­ed and dri­ven away in under 30 sec­onds. The equip­ment used for this type of attack all fits eas­i­ly into a ruck­sack and can cost as lit­tle as £80, mak­ing this type of crime very prof­itable and easy to perform.

Relay attack infographic
Relay attack infographic

Are You at Risk?

Report­ed­ly up to 95% of motorists are at risk if their car has a key­less entry/​start sys­tem or has an info­tain­ment’ sys­tem, then it is at risk of being stolen by a relay attack. Attacks are on the rise all around the world, so much so that some insur­ers are refus­ing to insure Range Rovers unless they have secure park­ing. Hav­ing none of the keys stolen and no force of entry, there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty your insur­ance cov­er may be void when claim­ing against relay attack crimes. Insur­ers may want to see that you have tak­en suit­able actions to defend against relay car crime, so could poten­tial­ly refuse to pay out.

So how can you pro­tect against such a preva­lent and easy-to-per­form crime? Well, here at 3D Group, we saw the issues with this type of crime and decid­ed to bring in a prod­uct we knew could help our cus­tomers secure their vehi­cles. That is where the Key­less Pro­tec­tor comes in. A brand new and rev­o­lu­tion­ary prod­uct that allows cus­tomers to secure their vehi­cles with­out los­ing the con­ve­nience of key­less tech­nol­o­gy or affect­ing your warranty.

Key­less Protector

Keyless entry protector
Key­less entry protector

The Key­less Pro­tec­tor is an ultra-thin cir­cuit board that wraps around the vehi­cle remote key bat­tery. This advanced cir­cuit board is designed to block the sig­nal emit­ted by your key fob when it’s not in use. Block­ing the sig­nal stops crim­i­nals from being able to inter­cept it and using it to steal your vehicle. 

How it Works

The Key­less Pro­tec­tor is auto­mat­ed, so it blocks the sig­nal until you acti­vate the key. This is done with a super sim­ple dou­ble tap while it is in your pock­et or bag. This solu­tion gives you all the con­ve­nience of key­less tech­nol­o­gy with­out the draw­backs of using a fara­day box or wallet. 

Woman using keyless entry on her car
Woman using key­less entry on her car

When you walk away from your vehi­cle, the Key­less Pro­tec­tor detects this and auto­mat­i­cal­ly dis­ables the sig­nal from your key­less fob, mean­ing you always have peace of mind.

Woman getting out of her car
Woman get­ting out of her car

Sim­ple and Affordable

Anoth­er great fea­ture of the Key­less Pro­tec­tor is how easy it is to fit; with it sim­ply wrap­ping around your remote’s bat­tery, you can fit it your­self or come to our Not­ting­ham-based head office, where we can install it for you. The Key­less Pro­tec­tor will not affect your war­ran­ty and is also going through Thatch­am test­ing, so in the future could pos­si­bly help bring down your insur­ance premiums.

car key battery
car key battery

Over­all the Key­less Pro­tec­tor is the sim­ple-to-use and easy-to-fit solu­tion to pro­tect­ing your vehi­cle from Relay Attacks.

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