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Vehi­cle crime trends hap­pen­ing in Nottingham

Posted 08/26/20 by Joe Mckay

Map of Nottingham
Map of Nottingham

Vehi­cle Crime Map of Not­ting­ham. Time peri­od: last 12 months accu­rate as of July 2020.

Regard­ing sta­tis­tics, Vehi­cle Crime in Not­ting­ham is on the rise. Now, Not­ting­ham is viewed as one of the major hotspots for theft and organ­ised crime. 

What has been not­ed, though, is that these crime fig­ures do not include all types of crime in the UK. This includes crimes com­mit­ted against the pub­lic, such as bur­glary, car and van theft and vandalism. 

Vehi­cle crime being report­ed to the police in Not­ting­ham is ris­ing due to the increased num­ber of cars on the roads and the fact that many vehi­cles are now more vul­ner­a­ble to relay attacks. How­ev­er, an increas­ing num­ber of motorists are tak­ing mea­sures to pro­tect their vehi­cles from such attacks, one of the most pop­u­lar being Autowatch Ghost. 

Vehi­cle Crime in Not­ting­ham is one of the biggest con­cerns for Not­ting­hamshire police, see Oper­a­tion Reach­er. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, this is also a sig­nif­i­cant con­cern for those who own high­ly prized vehi­cles that are like­ly to be stolen. 

If you have a vehi­cle and are wor­ried about crime in your area, you should con­sid­er tak­ing some pre­ven­tive mea­sures to pro­tect your assets. For exam­ple, con­sid­er installing extra secu­ri­ty, such as Autowatch Ghost and Key­less Pro­tec­tors, which will sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduce the risk of relay attacks. If you want to learn more about Autowatch Ghost or Relay attacks, check out these blogs we have writ­ten previously. 

Oth­er ways of pre­vent­ing Vehi­cle Crime are to be aware of the loca­tions where you park your vehi­cle and poten­tial­ly install GPS track­ing in them. The best solu­tion against car or van theft is to keep the vehi­cle in a secure loca­tion. Relay attacks can hap­pen in a mat­ter of moments and not every­where has secure park­ing, so it’s unfea­si­ble to have a safe park­ing spot. By keep­ing up to date with the lat­est sta­tis­tics and trends in your area, you can help to pre­vent crime and pro­tect your­self and your assets. 

Hotspot map of crimes in Nottingham
Hotspot map of crimes in Nottingham

Vehi­cle Crime in Gedling. Time peri­od: last 12 months accu­rate as of July 2020.

Crime trends are not always pre­dictable, so if you are con­cerned about your vehi­cle’s secu­ri­ty, you should con­sid­er a lay­ered approach. This means hav­ing mul­ti­ple fail safes to ensure your vehi­cle is secured. For exam­ple, sup­pose you have a van with valu­able tools kept in it. In that case, you could use a com­bi­na­tion of van dead­locks, GPS track­ing, and Autowatch ghost to com­plete­ly throw off a would-be thief and enor­mous­ly hin­der a pro­fes­sion­al crim­i­nal. In addi­tion, you will have an advan­tage over crim­i­nals by mon­i­tor­ing crime sta­tis­tics in your local area through ser­vices such as ADT crime maps. You will also know how to pre­vent crime from hap­pen­ing to your vehicle. 

White Mercedes Sprinter Van
White Mer­cedes Sprint­er Van

While doing your research, it is best to get advice from some­one expe­ri­enced in vehic­u­lar secu­ri­ty, such as our­selves. We will hap­pi­ly advise you on your vehi­cle’s avail­able options and spe­cif­ic vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties. For exam­ple, as with all vehi­cle man­u­fac­tur­ers, Mer­cedes-Benz Sprint­ers have a few vul­ner­a­bil­i­ties to theft that we’ve dis­cussed in a pre­vi­ous blog post here.

We at 3D Autokeys want to help every­one keep their vehi­cles and liveli­hoods secure. So our team will be with you every step of the way to ensure that you get the best vehi­cle secu­ri­ty solu­tion for you. 

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