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Places your car key could be hiding. Background Image

Places your car key could be hiding.

Posted 11/23/22 by Elspeth Myers

How many times have you lost your car keys? 

16 mil­lion motorists reg­u­lar­ly mis­place their car keys each year. Have you been one of them? It’s so easy to lose your car keys, days are hec­tic, and there is lots to think about dur­ing the day. 

If you’ve lost your car keys, it’s worth check­ing the com­mon areas we men­tion below before con­clud­ing that they’re lost for good, as UK dri­vers spend £180 mil­lion replac­ing lost car keys! 

Let’s help you find those lost keys. 

Where are my car keys? 

The car 

Okay, we know what you’re think­ing! But, seri­ous­ly, many lost keys are found in the car. 

When get­ting in and out of the car, we’re usu­al­ly in quite a rush — car­ry­ing shop­ping in, ral­ly­ing the kids to school, or rush­ing to get home. It’s a whirlwind. 

So, if you’re one of the many that have locked your car keys in the car, you will need a gain entry ser­vice. 3D Autokeys have a team of high­ly-skilled tech­ni­cians expe­ri­enced in secure­ly gain­ing vehi­cle access whilst caus­ing no damage. 

Please, we urge you nev­er to attempt to access your car your­self; read here to see the dis­as­trous effects. 

There is always the chance that you dropped your car keys near your vehi­cle or left them on the car roof; it’s best to retrace your steps back to the house, just in case you dropped them along the way. 

handbag in car

Bags & Pockets 

This one isn’t just for women! We all know the guy with an over­flow­ing gym bag. 

It’s super easy to search your bag for your car keys and com­plete­ly for­get to check the lit­tle zip­per pock­et. Make sure you dou­ble-check all pock­ets or try tip­ping your bag onto a surface. 

Also, check the pock­ets of trousers, jack­ets and coats you use often. 

Bag on floor

Bath­room & Kitchen 

Where is the first place you go when you get home? Is it the kitchen or bathroom? 

Your car keys could be right in front of you, on the kitchen counter or next to the sink in the bathroom. 

Car keys on kitchen counter

Still can’t find your car keys ?

First, don’t pan­ic. If you checked off all the places men­tioned above, you’re in the right place. The sit­u­a­tion can be quick­ly resolved with the help of an auto lock­smith. We can eas­i­ly replace your car keys, often on that day! 

Look­ing for an Auto Lock­smith in Nottingham? 

We know how stress­ful los­ing your car keys can be. Our mobile ser­vice means that we can come to you whether you’re at work or home. We cov­er a 50-mile radius from Not­ting­ham, so if you’re look­ing for auto lock­smiths in the East Mid­lands, 3D Autokeys are your first choice. 

Get in touch today! 

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