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Why you should­n’t break into your own car

Posted 06/27/22 by Elspeth Myers

Car keys
Car keys

We know you’ve seen them! Those how-to videos on the best way of get­ting into your car if you’ve locked your­self out. But trust us when we say, call an auto lock­smith instead. 

Leave the how-to videos for bak­ing a new cake recipe; break­ing into your car after lock­ing your­self out is a recipe for disaster. 

You could hurt yourself 

We’ve all seen the movies where wrap­ping your hand with a t‑shirt and smash­ing it into the win­dow seems like a promis­ing idea — or even using a coat hang­er to slide into the win­dow to gain access to the car. Here at 3D Autokeys, we’ve seen a vari­ety of dan­ger­ous solu­tions’ avail­able online to gain access to your vehicle. 

Not only do these options dam­age your car, but you could be look­ing at a poten­tial vis­it to the hos­pi­tal if things were to go wrong. 

Stay safe. Call an auto locksmith. 

Bandaged Hand
Ban­daged Hand

You could dam­age your vehicle

In over 20 years in the indus­try, we have seen so much dam­age caused by failed attempts. We’ve seen bro­ken win­dow seals, dam­aged doors, and scratched paint­work, and this is just the minimum. 

Let’s for­get the pos­si­bil­i­ty of you hurt­ing your­self. Instead, let’s avoid the cost­ly bill of hav­ing to fix dam­age caused by your DIY attempts. 

No one wants to take their car to the garage and explain why hun­dreds of pounds worth of dam­age needs fix­ing, which will total more than call­ing us out to solve your car key issues! 

It’s more com­pli­cat­ed than you think 

It’s no secret cars are more high-tech than they have ever been! All mod­ern vehi­cles are fit­ted with com­pre­hen­sive anti-theft technology. 

Great for pro­tect­ing your car from being stolen, but guess what? It also means that it will be way more chal­leng­ing to gain entry to your vehicle. 

Car Security System
Car Secu­ri­ty System

Don’t believe every­thing you see on the internet

You’ll find thou­sands of step-by-step guides if you’ve tried Googling how to break into your car. 

The risk is that what might work for one car does­n’t nec­es­sar­i­ly work for anoth­er. So, unless you can find a guide for your vehi­cle’s exact make and mod­el, you could waste a lot of time. 

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Auto Lock­smith in the East Midlands

Save your­self the has­sle. Our expert auto lock­smith team is here to help with­in a 50-mile radius of our HQ. So you’ll be back on the road in no time!


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