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What to do if you're locked out of your car this Christmas Background Image

What to do if you’re locked out of your car this Christmas

Posted 12/20/21 by Elspeth Myers

It’s Christ­mas Day, and you’ve locked your­self out of your car! Of course, you did­n’t plan for this; no one does. But alas, here you are strand­ed with your presents trapped inside your vehicle. 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, most times when a car lock­out hap­pens, it hap­pens at the most incon­ve­nient time. You’re already run­ning late to your fam­i­ly event or pick­ing the kids up from their Christ­mas play!

This blog post will give you a plan if the worst does hap­pen this winter! 

No mat­ter the spe­cif­ic details, you need to know what steps to take to resolve the issue quick­ly; con­tin­ue read­ing below for our emer­gency response guide to being locked out of your car. 

Find Safe­ty

After being locked out of your vehi­cle, the first thing you want to do is find safe­ty. Check your sur­round­ings. Are you in a safe, pub­lic, and well-lit area? 

If not, make your way at once to the near­est safe place; this might be a petrol sta­tion, shop, or well-lit pub­lic area. Tak­ing this step is essen­tial if your phone is locked in the car. 

If you’ve man­aged to lock your phone inside your car, don’t pan­ic; make your way to a safe place. You’ll most like­ly be able to use a phone at these places if needed. 

Con­tact 999 if You Feel Threatened 

If you feel threat­ened or unsafe for any rea­son, don’t wait to con­tact emer­gency ser­vices. Call­ing 999 will pro­vide you with safe­ty in a few minutes. 

Photo of a Shell fuel station
Pho­to of a Shell fuel station

Have You got a Spare? 

Before pan­ick­ing, try to think about any­one who may have a spare key. For exam­ple, if you bought your car from a deal­er, they more than like­ly sup­plied you with two keys. Did you store the key in a safe place? Did you give your spare key to a fam­i­ly mem­ber or friend? 

If you stored your spare at home, is there some­one who can bring you the extra key? 

Try to take a minute to think of these options if you’re still at a loss; this is when we would sug­gest mov­ing on to the last step — call­ing a local auto locksmith. 

Call A Mobile Auto Locksmith 

When safe­ty isn’t a con­cern, you can call an auto lock­smith, like 3D Autokeys. When search­ing for an auto lock­smith near me’, it is essen­tial to see that they can sup­ply mobile ser­vices — com­ing to you to assist you in get­ting back into your car. 

Mobile auto lock­smiths just like ours can get you back in your car and on the road in no time! 

While you have the lock­smith and they are sup­ply­ing you with a new key, this is an ide­al time to get a spare key cut! Keep this in a safe place in your home or give it to a friend or fam­i­ly mem­ber to ensure you can avoid being locked out in the future! 

Photo of the 3D Autokeys team
Pho­to of the 3D Autokeys team

Deal­ing With a Car Lockout? 

When deal­ing with a car lock­out, these steps will ensure you are safe and back in your car as quick­ly as possible. 

Why not book­mark this page for future ref­er­ence? Then, you can refer to it at any giv­en moment. We know you don’t plan to lock your­self out of your car but trust us when we say it’s so eas­i­ly done, and when it does, we can almost guar­an­tee it will be at the most incon­ve­nient time.

Our out-of-office emer­gency line is avail­able most days dur­ing this fes­tive peri­od. It’s not just San­ta who will be sav­ing Christmas! 

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