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What Ser­vices Do 3D Autokeys Offer?

Posted 02/01/22 by Elspeth Myers

We’ve all been there locked out of our car, not able to move along with our day. It can be such a dis­tur­bance to our day! How­ev­er, our auto lock­smiths at 3D Autokeys can help resolve this prob­lem as quick­ly as possible. 

Our lock­smiths do more than unlock locked cars; they are high­ly skilled tech­ni­cians capa­ble of cre­at­ing new keys and repair­ing worn and dam­aged key cas­es. They can even replace the entire lock­ing sys­tem for your vehi­cle door, and if needs be, replace the whole igni­tion system. 

The lock­smiths at 3D Autokeys have kept up with the tech­no­log­i­cal advances imple­ment­ed by car man­u­fac­tur­ers; gone are the days of sim­ply cut­ting a new key blade. 

We’ve been in the indus­try for quite some time now and have seen the evo­lu­tion of car keys; the style of car keys we have nowa­days are much more advanced. In addi­tion, the intro­duc­tion of key­less entry and igni­tion fobs and more advanced secu­ri­ty sys­tems meant that our tech­ni­cians have had to keep up to date with new tech­nolo­gies and be care­ful when car­ry­ing out jobs. 

We are proud to offer ser­vices on such a wide vari­ety of vehi­cles, with few com­peti­tors ris­ing to the chal­lenge of tack­ling the major­i­ty of car brands and models. 

What Can Our Auto Lock­smiths Provide? 

Our auto­mo­tive lock­smiths spe­cialise in secur­ing vehi­cles, ensur­ing that process­es like car key replace­ment, key removal, and car key cut­ting are han­dled effi­cient­ly and pro­fes­sion­al­ly. See our ser­vices here.

Our Four Main Ser­vices

The pri­ma­ry role of our auto lock­smiths is to cov­er all your vehi­cle key needs. This can include remov­ing bro­ken keys, cre­at­ing dupli­cate keys, replac­ing them, and in cer­tain sit­u­a­tions replac­ing the entire lock­ing sys­tem and igni­tion switches. 

Unlock­ing Your Car

It takes exper­tise to unlock a vehi­cle when there is no access to keys. Our tech­ni­cians have been trained to imple­ment sev­er­al strate­gies to ensure the best course of action is tak­en to get you back on the road. As car man­u­fac­tur­ers make advance­ments in the vehi­cle secu­ri­ty field, our tech­ni­cians must devel­op their skills and imple­ment new tools. 

Removal of Bro­ken Keys 

Car keys can snap off due to wear-and-tear or improp­er use. We rec­om­mend not try­ing to pry the bro­ken key blade from your vehi­cle’s lock as it might cause more dam­age. Our tech­ni­cians are trained to safe­ly remove the dam­aged key blank and ensure the replace­ment works. 

When a key breaks in a door or igni­tion, the notch­es (key bit­tings) on the thin side of the key are exposed, auto lock­smiths use key extrac­tion tools to grip onto the gaps and safe­ly remove the key. This can be a del­i­cate process, with lots of room for error; there­fore, you must choose a well-trained insured auto lock­smith to car­ry out this work. 

Car Key Replace­ment & Dupli­ca­tion

There are two types of vehi­cle keys that we see the most. The first is a key that isn’t attached to an elec­tri­cal piece or a fob. These are a lit­tle less tricky, sim­i­lar to get­ting a new house key cut. 

It gets a lit­tle more com­pli­cat­ed when it comes to car keys with a fob. Many of these keys have chips pro­grammed unique­ly to a par­tic­u­lar vehi­cle; these are known as transpon­der keys. The engine will not start with­out the igni­tion read­ing the code embed­ded in the chip. So, when deal­ing with these keys, it’s not quite as sim­ple as cut­ting a new key; the transpon­der in the remote must also be pro­grammed to talk’ to your car. 

Repro­gram­ming Car Keys

Our high­ly skilled tech­ni­cians repro­gram transpon­der keys dai­ly; we’re con­fi­dent work­ing with a vari­ety of makes and mod­els. Some­times, in the event that you have mis­placed or lost all your car keys, our tech­ni­cians might have to cre­ate an entire­ly new pro­grammed key for you to access your vehicle. 

We’re Around When You Need Us Most

At 3D Autokeys, we know that keys get dam­aged or lost at all times of the day! So, our office is open from 08:00 till 17:00, but our phone lines are oper­at­ed until 21:00. We can get emer­gen­cies booked in ASAP, either at your home, work­place or even our HQs, wher­ev­er suits you best! 

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