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What is a Uni­ver­sal Spare Car Key?

Posted 11/14/22 by Elspeth Myers

Los­ing, dam­ag­ing, or hav­ing your car’s key fob stolen is one of the most frus­trat­ing prob­lems you deal with as a car own­er. And not to men­tion, a faulty car remote could stop you from enter­ing your vehi­cle and dri­ving to your des­ti­na­tion. Also, a faulty spare car key can jeop­ar­dise your car’s security.

3D Autokeys spe­cialise in car key solu­tions! So, whether it’s a bro­ken car key or a jammed car door lock, our high­ly trained tech­ni­cians have you covered. 

Hav­ing a key fob replaced or repaired at a car deal­er­ship can be expen­sive. For this rea­son, 3D Autokeys offer uni­ver­sal car remotes. They are a quick, afford­able, and secure solution.

I had lost my sec­ond key. Obvi­ous­ly tried my local Jaguar deal­er. After 3 calls, they final­ly called me back. They quot­ed me £450. Said that it would take up to 2 hours to make and repro­gram the new key. One call to 3D Autokeys — appoint­ment arranged for 3 days lat­er. They came to my home. Chris was here for 30 min­utes and pre­sent­ed me with a brand-new Jaguar key, all pro­grammed and work­ing per­fect­ly. Cost £130. What great ser­vice and price. They are to be high­ly recommended.”
Arthur Tit­ter­ton.

Here’s what you need to know about uni­ver­sal car key remotes.

What is a Uni­ver­sal Car Remote? 

Uni­ver­sal spare car key remotes are spe­cial devices that mul­ti­ple vehi­cle brands and mod­els can use. An easy way of think­ing about it is TV can use a uni­ver­sal remote, which is designed to work with all makes and mod­els of TVs. Uni­ver­sal car key remotes are similar! 

Don’t wor­ry! They are secure, reli­able, and cost-effective. 

A uni­ver­sal car remote will work like your vehi­cle’s orig­i­nal remote and com­plete the same functions.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we can’t offer uni­ver­sal spare keys for all mod­els, but we can advise you on the best option. 

Let our auto lock­smiths help with your car lock and key problems.

Con­tact our friend­ly cus­tomer ser­vice team if you need help pro­gram­ming your car remote or fix­ing a bro­ken key fob. We can cut a new key, fix jammed igni­tion switch­es, and unlock stuck boot locks. In addi­tion, we can also assess the type of locks you have on your car and rec­om­mend a com­pat­i­ble uni­ver­sal car remote for you. 

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