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Pro­tect­ing Your Car From Theft

Posted 10/01/21 by Elspeth Myers

Here at 3D Autokeys, we take vehi­cle secu­ri­ty seri­ous­ly! Our ded­i­cat­ed team of auto lock­smith pro­fes­sion­als are often called out to vehi­cles to enhance secu­ri­ty mea­sures. Aside from pro­fes­sion­al ser­vices that you can view here, you can take action to pro­tect your vehicle. 

Accord­ing to the Office for Nation­al Sta­tis­tics, there were 113,037 inci­dents of car theft report­ed in 2019, which was a 9% increase from the year before. The Asso­ci­a­tion of British Insur­ers also report­ed an increase of 11% in the num­ber of cas­es linked to car theft. As the facts prove, car theft is on the rise, and thus, extra pre­cau­tions may be nec­es­sary when it comes to car security. 


Lock­ing Your Car 

This may seem appar­ent, but you would be sur­prised by the num­ber of peo­ple who fail to lock their cars when they are not inside. This is prime time for a thief to try their luck; they will often spend their time trawl­ing streets, sim­ply check­ing car doors to see if they are locked. Don’t let yours be the unlocked car they land on! 

Hide Valu­ables

Many thieves are oppor­tunis­tic and will strike if they see some­thing valu­able and worth steal­ing; it’s best to con­ceal valu­ables in your car by putting them in the glove com­part­ment, boot or under the seats. 

handbag in car
hand­bag in car

Close your windows 

We know that the sum­mer heat can sway you to leave your win­dows open; how­ev­er, this is a huge no-no in terms of safe­ty. You are leav­ing direct access to your vehicle. 

Ensure Your Car Is Alarmed 

Again, this may seem obvi­ous; how­ev­er, some old­er cars, maybe vin­tage mod­els, do not come with alarms. There­fore, espe­cial­ly for these more valu­able mod­els, installing an alarm with help from an expert is essen­tial. Vehi­cle alarms work as a deter­rent; the thief is much less like­ly to steal your car, as atten­tion has already been raised. 

Key­less Car Security 

Key­less cars are par­tic­u­lar­ly vul­ner­a­ble to intel­li­gent crim­i­nals, who can use com­put­er soft­ware to scan your keys’ wire­less sig­nal and then copy this to their lap­tops. This enables them to gain access to your vehi­cle and dri­ve away with it. This type of theft is called what is key­less car theft?’; we have an arti­cle about this topic. 

Steer­ing Lock 

A sim­ple way of ensur­ing the safe­ty of your vehi­cle is to apply a steer­ing lock when you have vacat­ed your vehi­cle. Sim­i­lar to the alarm, it will act as a deter­rent, as the theft will be much more chal­leng­ing and take more time. 

Don’t leave the car running 

We get it! You’re just nip­ping back to your house because you for­got your cof­fee! How­ev­er, leav­ing your vehi­cle run­ning while you nip back inside is a thief’s dream come true. 

Car door open
Car door open

Park in well-lit areas 

Final­ly, if you leave your car on the street, try to park under a street light. The more vis­i­ble your vehi­cle is, the less like­ly it will be tar­get­ed by criminals. 

If you take all of these pre­cau­tions and still think addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty mea­sures need to be tak­en to pro­tect your vehi­cle, 3D Autokeys under­stand! We are experts in vehi­cle secu­ri­ty. Chat with one of our friend­ly team to dis­cuss your options. 


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