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Welcome to the 3D Autokeys team, Lauren!

Lau­ren’s First Week

Posted 05/31/22 by Elspeth Myers

Wel­come to the 3D Autokeys team, Lau­ren!

We wel­comed a new mem­ber to the team this week! Lau­ren is our new team man­ag­er, and we asked her how her first week went. Fin­gers crossed, she has plen­ty of pos­i­tive things to say. 

Let’s let Lau­ren take it from here! 

Today I start­ed a new chap­ter in my life with 3D Autokeys as the team man­ag­er, and I must say, it has been an enjoy­able start! Here’s why… 

My Role With­in 3D Autokeys?

I have tak­en the role of team man­ag­er for 3D Autokeys; this is a diverse role. Under­tak­ing a posi­tion where I am not only man­ag­ing an office team but an on-the-road team of technicians. 

My First Week.

I was look­ing for ener­gy and pos­i­tiv­i­ty in a work envi­ron­ment. It’s where I can relax, be myself and thrive. Well, I found it here, my first day was full-on, but I realised that I had walked into a big family. 

My first week has shown me that 3D Autokeys has con­tin­ued to have a fam­i­ly feel, even with its growth! Each team mem­ber cares about the cus­tomers and wants to give every job their all. 

What sur­prised me was the lev­el of com­mu­ni­ca­tion across the board. On my first day, I sat down with the direc­tors, some­thing I had nev­er got to do in my pre­vi­ous roles. 

This first week has been a whirl­wind, div­ing into a new world, I knew very lit­tle about car keys before start­ing, and I had no idea that I would be cut­ting my first car key this week. I absolute­ly loved it!!

Car key remote in front of a steering wheel
Car key remote in front of a steer­ing wheel

My Pre­vi­ous Expe­ri­ence!

Since fin­ish­ing my edu­ca­tion, I have had var­ied employ­ment expe­ri­ences-from work­ing as a cab­in crew mem­ber for Thomas Cook to team leader roles with­in a fast-paced cus­tomer ser­vice envi­ron­ment for one of the UK’s lead­ing retail companies. 

Com­ing into this job, I was excit­ed because I knew that 3D Autokeys pri­ori­tise cus­tomer ser­vice, and with a back­ground in cus­tomer ser­vice, I knew that I’d fit in well. 

I’m look­ing to tie in my pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence with the new chal­lenges that 3D Autokeys will bring. I want to bring fresh ideas to the table to improve 3D Autokeys for the cus­tomers and the team too, and I can already tell that I will be able to do that here. Every­one is so open to new ideas, and I already feel lis­tened to. 

A Lit­tle About Me

My pre­vi­ous role allowed me to trav­el exten­sive­ly, going as far as Aus­tralia! Which hap­pens to be my favourite des­ti­na­tion. You can find me in the gym on week­nights and out with the girls on weekends. 

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