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How we want to help keep our NHS Staff moving Background Image

How we want to help keep our NHS Staff moving

Posted 06/12/20 by Joe Mckay

Let’s be the first to admit that 2020 has been a bit of an odd year so far with the mild threat of nuclear war and a Glob­al Pan­dem­ic. It’s been a bit of a bumpy ride, to put it light­ly, but there has been a great deal of sup­port for the NHS work­ers who have risked their lives car­ing for the ill every day. At 3D AutoKeys, we all have friends and fam­i­ly mem­bers on the front­lines of the NHS. We have seen the pub­lic come togeth­er as we have nev­er wit­nessed in our life­times. Peo­ple have gen­er­al­ly been friend­ly and shown a great deal of sup­port for Doc­tors, Nurs­es and all clin­i­cal staff. Although, we think they are weary of the clap­ping. Dur­ing these harsh times, busi­ness­es need to give back to the com­mu­ni­ties they serve. 

Sophie NHS worker

As some busi­ness­es reopen, we think it is time we should give those who have kept us safe and con­tin­ue to do so some­thing back. We at 3DAutoKeys will be doing that and will be implor­ing our part­ner garages and clients to do the same. We have been giv­ing a sig­nif­i­cant dis­count on ser­vices to NHS staff since the begin­ning of the lock­down, and we will con­tin­ue to do so until the worst of this pass­es.. All you need is your NHS I.D. A lit­tle from a lot of peo­ple goes a long way, and of course we won’t for­get to paint a huge rain­bow on the forecourt. 

Road Sign

Our tech­ni­cians are also out on the road keep­ing every­one from NHS and Key Work­ers mov­ing. They have been issued face masks and gloves for your safe­ty and theirs. They have also been briefed on how to get you on the road again whilst main­tain­ing social dis­tanc­ing, but we’re not out of the woods yet, so as Boris John­son would say, Stay Alert”. 

So, if you lost your key on the ward, snapped it in the igni­tion or even just need a spare for emer­gen­cies if you’re on call. Our tech­ni­cians can even help you if your key snaps or gets locked in your car on the way to work; our van will be there in a jiffy to get you to your shift. Our ser­vices range from replace­ment keys, road­side Vehi­cle Diag­nos­tics, ADAS Con­fig­u­ra­tion and Vehi­cle Mod­ule Programming. 

Our team is here to help in any way we can and just want to keep you mov­ing so you can keep doing what you do, as we have been doing for 15 years. 

Stay safe from the team at 3DAutoKeys.

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