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How Can 3D Autokeys Help Your mechan­ics Business?

Posted 06/29/21 by Elspeth Myers

Most auto mechan­ic shops like yours don’t deal with key, lock or igni­tion issues all that often. Maybe it’s not time and mon­ey effi­cient for you; that’s where 3D Autokeys can help. 

Why Out­source?

Are you not equipped for spe­cialised jobs? The types that require more spe­cialised train­ing or essen­tial and some­times expen­sive equip­ment, like key cut­ting machines?

We know there are many jobs you are skilled at com­plet­ing, but maybe you haven’t got the time or the resources to try your hand at auto lock­smithing. Some­times it’s not worth tak­ing on the train­ing and cost asso­ci­at­ed with the auto lock­smith trade. That’s where our expe­ri­enced tech­ni­cians can help; we can take that pres­sure off you.

We Don’t Just Ser­vice The Greater Public.

Whether you are a car repair shop or even a mobile mechan­ic, you’re the go-to per­son for solv­ing all sorts of prob­lems with a clien­t’s car. They’re accus­tomed to a stan­dard of excel­lent ser­vice from you, and why not offer them that same lev­el of stan­dard with key, lock and igni­tion-relat­ed issues? Our trust­ed team can help you main­tain your rep­u­ta­tion of only offer­ing the best to your customer. 

Mechanic on mobile phone
Mechan­ic on mobile phone

Are You Look­ing To Work With A Depend­able Auto Lock­smith Company?

We know the strug­gle of receiv­ing a car that’s seen some dam­age and, in the process, break­ing either the lock or igni­tion. Now the cus­tomer keys don’t fit. We’ll leave you to take care of the scrapes and dents, and you can trust our tech­ni­cians will pro­vide the expe­ri­ence and skill it takes to repair those locks and igni­tion chambers.

What ser­vices can our lock­smiths provide?

Jammed cham­bers

It isn’t unusu­al for debris to work its way into your lock or igni­tion cham­ber, mak­ing keys chal­leng­ing to turn.

Our tech­ni­cians have access to spe­cial lubri­cants designed specif­i­cal­ly for this kind of job. How­ev­er, lubri­cants lying around your garage could make this debris even more chal­leng­ing to remove. In addi­tion to spe­cialised lubri­cants, our lock­smiths can dis­as­sem­ble affect­ed locks and igni­tions, elim­i­nat­ing block­ages. Their exten­sive knowl­edge will also allow them to reassem­ble the parts correctly. 

Bro­ken, dam­aged or worn locks and igni­tion chambers

Over time, a car’s engine wears out, neces­si­tat­ing ongo­ing repairs and ser­vic­ing. Locks and igni­tion cham­bers are no dif­fer­ent; the inter­nals of a lock or igni­tion cham­ber can also wear out with age, which can affect the fit between your lock, igni­tion and keys.

Our expert auto lock­smiths are trained to dis­as­sem­ble the lock or igni­tion and replace the affect­ed pins and tum­blers with new ones, allow­ing the exist­ing keys to still be used. 

New Key Programming

At 3D Autokeys, we know that you’ll often receive vehi­cles where the dri­ver’s door or boot door will need replac­ing. As you know, there are occa­sions when the locks are unsal­vage­able. Not to wor­ry, our expe­ri­enced auto lock­smiths will replace the locks and pro­gram new keys to allow the new locks to be used. 

Diagnostic testing machine
Diag­nos­tic test­ing machine

Bro­ken keys

Acci­dents hap­pen. Whether a cus­tomer has come to you with a bro­ken key or a mem­ber of your team has acci­den­tal­ly bro­ken the cus­tomer’s keys, the result is the same: you’ll need to replace it. 

We know you are busy, so let us take this prob­lem off your plate. 

3D Autokey's technicians
3D Autokey’s technicians

If you want to work with a trust­wor­thy auto lock­smith com­pa­ny, get in touch with one of our team mem­bers at 3D Autokeys or on 0115 952 2772.

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