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A Day in the Life of an Auto Locksmith

Posted 03/11/22 by Elspeth Myers

Let’s intro­duce Chris; he’s one of our newest auto lock­smiths. He’s been with 3D Autokeys for 6 months, but he worked for 3D Group as a prod­uct spe­cial­ist before that. After many years of help­ing lock­smiths select the right prod­ucts for them, he decid­ed he want­ed to learn a new trade and become one of our skilled auto technicians. 

Chris starts his day when Glen picks him up at 8 am; as Chris is still in train­ing, Glen is in charge of pass­ing on his knowl­edge and exper­tise. Glen has been an auto lock­smith for over ten years, he worked on almost all types of vehi­cles, and you only have to look at his hun­dreds of five-star reviews to see why our cus­tomers love him. 

So off to the first job! 

Chris will check his diary on his work phone; the team back at our HQ will update the diary with appoint­ments, both booked and emer­gency call outs. The guys will plan their jour­ney, try­ing to make most of their time and not waste time trav­el­ling unnecessarily. 

Each of Chris’ cus­tomers will receive a cour­tesy call, let­ting them know that help will be along shortly. 

Chris’s jobs can vary dai­ly, depend­ing on cus­tomers’ needs. How­ev­er, he most recent­ly has been com­plet­ing more spare keys than ever! We think peo­ple have realised how impor­tant it is to have a spare car key; if you’d like to read more about why, read here: The Ben­e­fits Of Key Cut­ting | 3D Autokeys.

Key Pro­gram­ming

Chris will usu­al­ly sched­ule any key repro­gram­ming jobs for the morn­ing, as these jobs require the use of diag­nos­tic tools such as OSCA. In addi­tion, these jobs can be a lit­tle more time con­sum­ing, where­as our tech­ni­cians can com­plete a spare key job in as lit­tle as 10 minutes. 

On this day in ques­tion, our office received a call from a dis­tressed lady in Not­ting­ham, who had left her car keys in her hand­bag, which was inside the car! With­out a spare key, this lady could not access her car and retrieve her handbag. 

As this was deemed an emer­gency call out, Chris was on his way to the lady in less than 20 min­utes! This is one of the advan­tages of hav­ing a local auto locksmith. 

Using the lat­est auto­mo­tive lock­smith tools to care­ful­ly pick the lock and gain entry into the vehi­cle, Chris could retrieve the cus­tomer’s hand­bag and give her access to her car! Chris also cut a spare key for the cus­tomer to ensure that this would­n’t be so much of a prob­lem if this sit­u­a­tion did hap­pen again.

This is a must; hav­ing a spare car key and keep­ing it in a safe place, or even giv­ing it to a trust­ed per­son, can save you the trou­ble of call­ing out an emer­gency locksmith. 


After Chris com­pletes this job, it’s time for lunch. He usu­al­ly picks up a meal deal from a local super­mar­ket! He has even ranked the meal deals from best to worst; we’ll leave it up to you to guess which comes out on top. 

Get­ting Peo­ple Home Safely

It’s clos­ing into the after­noon now, and we know what that means; peo­ple are on their way home! It’s around this time we often get an increase in calls! This is why us offer­ing emer­gency call outs is just so important. 

Chris will stay on call until 9 pm, ensur­ing every­one across the East Mid­lands is safe and has access to their car!

When 9 pm rolls around, Chris has fin­ished for the day and will make his way home for his dinner. 

Best get rest­ed up! Tomor­row is anoth­er busy day, so Chris bet­ter get some sleep!

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