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3D Autokeys — Midyear Update

Posted 06/13/23 by Elspeth Myers

With May in the rearview mir­ror, let’s catch up on what’s hap­pened over the past cou­ple of months. I think we’re due an update.

We haven’t done updates like this before. Should we do this more often and take a peek into oth­er depart­ments in the future? Let us know! 

New Staff

3D Autokeys are thrilled to intro­duce three new mem­bers to our grow­ing team. As we con­tin­ue to expand our ser­vices and offer­ings, we are com­mit­ted to bring­ing on the best and bright­est tal­ent to help us achieve our goals. 


Dan from 3D Autokeys
Dan from 3D Autokeys

First­ly, we would like to wel­come Dan, who has joined us as a senior key tech­ni­cian. With over 15 years of expe­ri­ence in the indus­try, Dan brings a wealth of knowl­edge and exper­tise to our team. They will be respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing and main­tain­ing our high stan­dard of training!

A lit­tle more about Dan, he joins us as yet anoth­er foot­ball coach! He coach­es under 9s mixed foot­ball. And we have anoth­er wed­ding on the hori­zon. Dan is mar­ry­ing his fiancé next year. 


Steph from 3D Autokeys
Steph from 3D Autokeys

Next up, we have Steph, who has tak­en on the cus­tomer ser­vice advi­sor role. With a back­ground in cus­tomer ser­vice, with five years under her belt at EON, Steph is the per­fect fit for our team! 

Thank­ful­ly, Steph does­n’t also coach foot­ball! We’ve met our quo­ta of foot­ball buffs. But Steph is heav­i­ly involved in her daugh­ter’s dance school, even vol­un­teer­ing as their secretary! 


Alex from 3D Autokeys
Alex from 3D Autokeys

Last but not least, we are excit­ed to wel­come Alex, who is join­ing us as a key tech­ni­cian. With 18 months of expe­ri­ence and a friend­ly smile, Alex will be the face of our com­pa­ny for many of our cus­tomers. His first day was the 30th of May, so he’s the lat­est face to join us. 

Alex is rel­a­tive­ly new to lock­smithing, but he’s def­i­nite­ly not a novice to cars and motor­bikes! Ask him about his back­ground as a semi-pro on-road motor­bike racer. 

I feel like a foot­ball team is brew­ing! Alex is also a foot­ball coach for an under-15 boys’ team. 

We are con­fi­dent that these new team mem­bers will help us con­tin­ue to inno­vate and grow as a com­pa­ny. So please join us in wel­com­ing them to the 3D Autokeys team. 

Lat­est Devel­op­ments

Our auto lock­smiths have expand­ed their capa­bil­i­ties to include work­ing with Vol­vo, Tes­la, and Polestar vehi­cles. This is a sig­nif­i­cant advance­ment for our team, as these brands are known for their advanced secu­ri­ty sys­tems and spe­cialised key fobs. 

With this expan­sion, our lock­smiths have under­gone exten­sive train­ing and are equipped with the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy to ensure they can work with these com­plex sys­tems. As a result, they can now pro­vide a wide range of ser­vices, includ­ing key fob replace­ment, remote pro­gram­ming, and emer­gency lock­out assistance. 

One of the stand­out fea­tures of these brands is their empha­sis on safe­ty and secu­ri­ty, so we under­stand the impor­tance of ensur­ing that our lock­smiths are trained to the high­est pos­si­ble stan­dard. Our team takes great pride in pro­vid­ing reli­able and effi­cient ser­vices, pri­ori­tis­ing our cus­tomers and their vehi­cles’ safe­ty and security. 

Tesla Car
Tes­la Car

Top 3 Reviews

3D Autokeys Review 1
3D Autokeys Review 1
3D Autokeys Review 2
3D Autokeys Review 2
3D Autokeys Review 3


Just in case you missed the memo! Lau­ren, our office man­ag­er, will be cel­e­brat­ing her 21st birth­day 😉 on the 22nd of June!

And that’s a wrap! 

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