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3D Autokeys Is Moving!

Posted 12/01/21 by Elspeth Myers

The past two years have been chal­leng­ing for most busi­ness­es, with the logis­ti­cal prob­lems that came with Brex­it and not to men­tion Covid-19. Nev­er­the­less, we have con­tin­ued to pro­vide the indus­try with the best ser­vice pos­si­ble, not tak­ing our foot off the gas. 

What became clear when our staff start­ed to return to the office was the lack of space at our cur­rent loca­tion. Over the past nine years that we have been at our present site, we have expand­ed, repur­posed rooms and even devel­oped into next door’s building. 

We have always strug­gled with space, and since tak­ing on new team mem­bers and a plan to take on more in the future, we have decid­ed to make the leap and move to a bet­ter-suit­ed site. 

We are excit­ed to announce that we will soon set up our head­quar­ters at a more acces­si­ble loca­tion in Sher­wood Busi­ness Park, which you can find just off the M1 at junc­tion 27.

See below for a view of where we will be located. 

3D Autokey's location on a map of England
3D Autokey’s loca­tion on a map of England

Improve­ments For You 

Our cus­tomers are always at the fore­front of our busi­ness deci­sions, we strive to improve year after year. And this move is a step in the right direction. 

Below you can see how we think the move will help you. 

Bet­ter Loca­tion for Walk-in Appointments 

Our new loca­tion is undoubt­ed­ly a bet­ter spot for you to pop by and col­lect a new key or have one of our tech­ni­cians take a look at your vehi­cle. No more hav­ing to nav­i­gate through Not­ting­ham city cen­tre traffic! 

Free Park­ing for Customers 

We know how frus­trat­ing it is to have to pay for park­ing! Believe us, after, we pay every day and are super excit­ed about the 30 free spaces we will have at the new loca­tion. So, you’ll be able to drop by for a walk-in appoint­ment stress-free. 

Big­ger Stock Range

Our space has become so lim­it­ed at our cur­rent head­quar­ters that we are cur­rent­ly only just man­ag­ing to store a vari­ety of stock. Once we move, we will be able to store over dou­ble what we can now, which is great for you as will have a high­er chance of keep­ing your required key in stock. 

3D Autokey's location on a map of M1 junctions
3D Autokey’s loca­tion on a map of M1 junctions

Some­thing For All of Us! 

Whilst this expan­sion may only seem like 3D Autokeys mov­ing to a new loca­tion, we can assure you that it is much more. We are plan­ning to expand our team to improve the busi­ness all around. 

We have tak­en on an oper­a­tions direc­tor, who will over­see the inter­nal oper­a­tions, improv­ing the busi­ness in many ways. For exam­ple, man­ag­ing the rela­tion­ship with 3D Autokeys and you, ensur­ing your expec­ta­tions are being met, direct­ing your feed­back to the cor­rect depart­ments and ensur­ing you are being pro­vid­ed with the best ser­vice pos­si­ble. We are look­ing to expand our team fur­ther to aid in the pos­i­tive push for­ward of 3D Autokeys. 

When Can You Expect the Move to Happen? 

This move has been months in the mak­ing, with even more plan­ning and prepa­ra­tion before the day arrives! You know how it is to move house, this is sim­i­lar, but we must be con­cerned with how this move will affect you. With that in mind, we are plan­ning to move on Decem­ber 17th. We will be tak­ing a half-day, so we can move across over the week­end, hope­ful­ly caus­ing as lit­tle inter­rup­tion to our ser­vice as possible. 

We will be keep­ing you updat­ed with news and events relat­ed to the move! 

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