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Banish your Halloween nightmares with 3D Autokeys! Background Image

Ban­ish your Hal­loween night­mares with 3D Autokeys!

Posted 10/21/24 by Lottie Murray

Unlock your Hal­loween night­mares with 3D Autokeys!

Hav­ing a lost key night­mare this Hal­loween? We have the per­fect solu­tion for you!

As we head through the spooky sea­son, its a great time for us to reflect all the haunt­ing ways your keys can go miss­ing. Some of the most com­mon places keys can become lost are as follows:

Under­neath fur­ni­ture — Believe it or not, many lost’ keys are actu­al­ly mis­placed in the home. It could be so sim­ple as falling behind a table or under­neath a sofa, but if you don’t know they are there you could spend hours hunt­ing them down.

On a dog walk or hike — Walk­ing is also one way a lot of us lose our car keys. From long dog walks to hikes at the local park, keys can fall out of your pock­et dur­ing many of these dai­ly walks.

    In the rub­bish bin — A lot of peo­ple will laugh at this one but it is quite a com­mon place to lose your keys. Peo­ple often can throw their keys away by acci­dent. This may be unbe­liev­able but it’s a true sto­ry that many of our cus­tomers have experienced!

    Pub­lic places — Many keys can get mis­placed in pub­lic places such as restau­rants, gyms, and shop car parks. Often lead­ing to a stress­ful and incon­ve­nient sit­u­a­tion. Hav­ing a spare key in this sce­nario is always great back up plan — mak­ing sure you aren’t delayed and can go about your day. 

    Dif­fer­ent bags or pock­ets — Los­ing your car keys in dif­fer­ent bags or pock­ets can be frus­trat­ing and dis­rup­tive. Always hav­ing a spare key or a des­ig­nat­ed spot for your keys in the house should avoid this problem.

    Upon re-trac­ing your steps it isn’t always easy to locate your lost keys. After com­ing to the con­clu­sion they are lost and untraceable.…that’s where we step in. We can pro­vide you with replace­ment and spare keys pre­vent­ing these night­mares from hap­pen­ing again. 

    At 3D Autokeys we are set up to han­dle many key relat­ed issues. From replace­ment car keys, to re-gain­ing entry to van and vehi­cle secu­ri­ty. We also ensure that the ser­vice we pro­vide is afford­able, con­ve­nient and effi­cient. Giv­ing you the option to have the work car­ried out at our offices or at a loca­tion that suits you (with­in a 50mile radius). Our team and tech­ni­cians, are here to turn your Hal­loween lost key hor­ror sto­ries into suc­cess­ful key solutions.

    Los­ing your keys can dis­rupt your day, but it’s not the end of the world. 3D Autokeys are here and have the tools and knowl­edge to your key prob­lems swift­ly and smart­ly. Call our team on 01159522772 or com­plete our online quo­ta­tion form request­ing a replace­ment key service.

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